Gundula Doerries, Qiang Gao, Joachim Köhler


Interactive Streaming Environment with MPEG-4

News Server Application [link 01]

News Server Application



We discuss the technological challenges when streaming MPEG-4 content over heterogeneous networks. Especially with video content we find high bandwidth demand aside with high sensitivity to losses and errors. The goal of our project ISEM4 is to set up an MPEG-4 client-server system with a special focus on the DMIF FlexMux functionality. In order to increase bandwidth efficiency, we propose to implement a non-trivial scheduling algorithm in the MPEG-4 DMIF layer and give first simulation results.

KünstlerInnen / AutorInnen

  • Gundula Doerries, Fraunhofer-Institute for Media Communication IMK, Sankt Augustin, Deutschland
  • Qiang Gao
  • Joachim Köhler › Biografie [link 02]


Deutschland, 2001

Partner / Sponsoren

Fraunhofer-Institute for Media Communication IMK, Sankt Augustin, Deutschland

Eingabe des Beitrags

Gundula Doerries, 15.06.2001


  • Forschungsprojekt



Ergänzungen zur Schlagwortliste

  • Multiplexing |
  • Quality of Service |
  • Streaming Video |
  • MPEG-4 |
  • Smoothing
  • › cast01//Living in Mixed Realities [link 03]
  • › PDF File [171 KB ] [link 04]