Boris Müller, Wolfgang Strauss


Time-based Interface für cross-category contextualisation of information

Snapshot of the Timeline interface [link 01]

Snapshot of the Timeline interface



The idea behind Timeline, developed by, is based on the parallel, chronological presentation of the contents of different thematic content fields. In Timeline, the contents are arranged on two axes. The X-axis corresponds to a continuous time line. The Y-axis is divided into several channels, each representing a thematic field. This enables contents to be represented simultaneously in a time and thematic context. Timeline is an interface of the Knowledge Map System. Unlike the semantic map which groups related contents, Timeline displays the contents of the clusters found by the system in order of the time they were created. The intuitive navigation using thematic fields along the time axis is augmented by the possibility of selecting a chosen project via keywords. Selecting a keyword generates a time line which displays all projects related to the chosen keyword.


  • Boris Müller, Fraunhofer Institute for Media Communication, MARS Exploratory Media Lab › Biografie [link 02]
  • Wolfgang Strauss, Fraunhofer Institute for Media Communication, MARS Exploratory Media Lab


  • Gabriele Blome, Fraunhofer Institute for Media Communication, MARS Exploratory Media Lab
  • Stefan Paal, Fraunhofer Institute for Media Communication, MARS Exploratory Media Lab › Biografie [link 03]
  • Jasminko Novak, Fraunhofer Institute for Media Communication, MARS Exploratory Media Lab › Biografie [link 04]


Deutschland, 2000-2001

Eingabe des Beitrags

Boris Müller, 07.09.2001


  • Software


  • Formate:
    • 2D |
    • interaktiv |
    • Internet
  • Technik:
    • Shockwave |
    • XML


Hardware / Software

Standard Multimedia Mac / PC, Internet connection, Shockwave


  • frei für nicht-kommerzielle Nutzung
  • › Archiv [link 05]

» [link 06]