Jasminko Novak, Boris Müller, Martin Schneider

Semantic Map

Interface for visualisation and exploration of semantic relationships in distributed information spaces

Screenshot of the Semantic Map Interface [link 01]

Screenshot of the Semantic Map Interface



The Semantic Map is an interface for visualizing and exploring of information spaces based on semantic relationships. Its interface model is based on information clustering. Semantically correlated information items are positioned near to each other, while items having little similarity are positioned further away. This is based on a combination of methods for semantic text analysis with a self-organising neural network (Kohonen Map). The text analysis encodes patterns of word occurences in individual texts as numeric vectors, while the neural network produces a map which positions similar vectors close to each other. Since the vectors encode semantic properties of texts, correlated texts will be grouped close to each other.The system-generated clustering provides a point of departure for discovering possible relationships that normally might not be perceived by the human user. The Semantic Map establishes a context for information coming from different thematic fields or archives with different categorisation structures.


  • Jasminko Novak, Fraunhofer Institute for Media Communication, MARS Exploratory Media Lab › Biografie [link 02]
  • Boris Müller, Fraunhofer Institute for Media Communication, MARS Exploratory Media Lab › Biografie [link 03]
  • Martin Schneider, Fraunhofer Institute for Media Communication, MARS Exploratory Media Lab


Deutschland, 2001

Eingabe des Beitrags

jasminko novak, 12.09.2001


  • Software


  • Themen:
    • Archiv |
    • Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion HCI |
    • Kommunikation |
    • Informationsarchitektur |
    • Wahrnehmung |
    • Datamining |
    • Knowledge Management |
    • Hypermedia |
    • Künstliche Intelligenz |
    • Selbstorganisation |
    • Wissensräume |
    • Datenraum
  • Formate:
    • Hypermedia |
    • Internet |
    • vernetzt
  • Technik:
    • Shockwave |
    • Java |
    • XML |
    • Datenbank |
    • Neuronale Netze

Ergänzungen zur Schlagwortliste

  • information visualisation |
  • Knowledge discovery


Technische Beschreibung

Semantic MapsKohonen Maps are self organising neural networks that can map highdimensional input onto a planar map. When supplying semantic data, such as texts to a Kohonen Map, the mapping will locate texts that are semantically correlated close to each other. In netzspannung.org the abstracts and/or detailed descriptions of artistic and research projects are fed as input to a Kohonen Map . The Mapping process can be devided into four steps: text vectorization, neural net training, map extraction and visualization. Text vectorisation and net training demand excessive time and memory requirements, so they cannot be performed in real-time. The map extraction step then derives regions, labels and keywords from the neural network thus creating a knowledge map. The knowledge map can be visualized in various ways by the clientside visualisation interface.Text VectorisationFor text vectorisation all abstracts were automatically translated into a common language (english). Word frequencies, a stopword list, and random projection were then applied to select a pool of 1000 relevant words out of all abstracts.Each abstract is related to a wordvector, that assigns a relevance factor to each of the 1000 words. The IDFxTF algorithm assigns high relevance factors to terms that appear more frequently in the corresponding abstract than in others. Net TrainingThe Neural Net consists of a grid holding 10 by 10 neurons, where each neuron is represented by a random vector. The word vectors are provided to the network one by one, stimulating all neurons at the same time. The amount of stimulation is determined by the similarity of input vectors and neuron vectors. The winner-neuron which is stimulated most, is reinforced, as well as its neighbourhood. Both, power of reinforcement and neighbourhood size, decrease over time. Thus in the beginning of the training we can observe the formation of a coarse structure, whereas later on the fine tuning takes place.Map ExtractionWhen the neural net has been trained it implicitly contains the semantic map. By stimulating the net with input vectors the neural correlate of each artistic project is detected. The neurons are also grouped by similarity of their vectors, thus forming regions on the map. Each region is represented by a vector which has a high relevance fector for the term that is used as a region label. The individual projects are also labeled using keywords that are selected from their word vectors.VisualizationThe resulting Kohenen maps are not directly visualized, but rather form an abstract foundation for a variety of different knowledgemap visualisations. The visualisation modules provide different views on the map data and feature different modes of interaction. They are adapted to specific user tasks like orientation (overview), inspection (detailed view) and side by side comparison (split view).

Hardware / Software

Schockwave Player


  • frei für nicht-kommerzielle Nutzung



  • Novak, J.; Müller, B.; Schneider, M.; ”The netzspannung.org Knowledge Map System”, GMD, September 2001, to be published as GMD Technical Report


  • Fleischmann, M; Strauss, W.; Novak, J.; Paal, S.; Müller, B.; Blome, G.; Peranovic, P.; Seibert, C.; Schneider, M.; netzspannung.org - an Internet media lab for knowledge discovery in mixed realities, In Proceedings of cast01//Living in Mixed Realities, International Conference on Communication on Art, Science and Technology, Schloss Birlinghoven, Fraunhofer-IMK, September 2001
    » http://netzspannung.…rg/cast01/proceedings [link 04]


  • Lin, X.; Soergel, D.; Marchionini, G.; A self-organizing semantic map for information retrieval, in Proc. of 14th ACM/SIGIR Conf. Research and Development in Information Retrieval, 1991
    » http://www.acm.org/dl [link 05]
  • Warren Sack, “Conversation Map: An Interface for Very Large-Scale Conversations,” Journal of Management Information Systems (to appear, Winter 2000-2001)
  • › Archiv [link 06]

» http://netzspannung.…rg/tools/semantic_map [link 07]