Jan Buchholz, Jonathan Klein

coJIVE - A Software-System for Computer-Aided Jazz Improvisation

coJIVE allows a wide variety of people to improvise over jazz tunes in collaborative sessions

Nominee of the digital sparks award 2006

coJIVE - collaborative Jazz Improvisation Environment

coJIVE - collaborative Jazz Improvisation Environment


Media Files


Jazz improvisation is a complex and demanding art of creating new melodies and performances
instantaneously. With coJIVE, we have created a system that allows musically untrained people to improvise over jazz tunes in a collaborative session.
Therefore, the system substitutes for the users' missing knowledge and experience; they are supported by means of different mechanisms that avoid dissonance and enrich the input to create aesthetically pleasing performances. The level of support is adjusted to each user's individual abilities and needs.
At the same time, coJIVE provides an accompanyment for the session and coordinates the collaboration between the users. The later aspect was implemented by assigning roles to the players and switching them in the course of the session; these roles are carefully asserted by additional mechanisms.
coJIVE was developed in an iterative, user-centred process.
We hope that coJIVE will encourage many people to create their own performances.

Artists / Authors



Germany, 2004-2005


» http://media.informa…aachen.de/cojive.html


Jan Buchholz, Feb 9, 2006



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