Malte Steiner

First Person Spam (FPS) at Piksel05

interactive installation by Malte Steiner at the conference in Bergen, Norway from 19. to 26. october

First Person Spam [link 01]

First Person Spam



As an undesired sideeffect of the globalisation and one of the few businessmodels which survived the hype, unwanted advertisement email services, known as spam, are an important factor of net traffic. More then 60% of the emailflow are spam and although the response rate is in the promille range, it generates enough revenue that even big companys despite of the semi legality use the services of massmailers.

To create and send out millions of electronic letters, massmailercompanys use often hijacked computers, where trojans or worms do the dirty work.

First Person Spam is Malte Steiners second work about this aspect of modern communication and abuse of infrastructure.

KünstlerInnen / AutorInnen

  • Malte Steiner


  • 19. Oktober 2005-26. Oktober 2005


BEK Bergen


Hordaland Kunstsenter Bergen, Norway, Deutschland

Eingabe des Beitrags

Malte Steiner, 15.10.2005


  • Ausstellung


  • Themen:
    • Spiele
  • Formate:
    • Installation |
    • 3D |
    • interaktiv
  • › Community/netzkollektor [link 02]

» [link 03]

  • › Information englisch [PDF | 161 KB ] [link 04]