Florian Thalhofer, Mahmoud Hamdy


A nonlinear and interactive documentary by Florian Thalhofer and Mahmoud Hamdy. Featuring Camels, Sand, Sheik Suellim and his seven sons.

Maher, einer der sieben Söhne Scheich Suellims. [link 01]

Maher, einer der sieben Söhne Scheich Suellims.



Florian Thalhofer from Berlin and Mahmoud Hamdy from Cairo met the Bedouins in the Sinai, close to the territories occupied by Israel.

Berlin meets Cairo meets the Beguines - inclusive a sharia-court-case. [7sons] was made in summer 2003 with the support of the Goethe-Institute, Cairo.

KünstlerInnen / AutorInnen

  • Florian Thalhofer › Biografie [link 02]
  • Mahmoud Hamdy


Ägypten, 2003-2004

Partner / Sponsoren

Goethe-Institut, Kairo
Mars Medialab

Eingabe des Beitrags

Florian Thalhofer, 30.11.2004


  • künstlerische Arbeit


  • Themen:
    • Kollaboration |
    • nonlineare Narration |
    • Urbaner Raum |
    • Medienkunst |
    • Autor |
    • Streaming |
    • Cultural Studies
  • Formate:
    • 2D |
    • Streaming |
    • Installation |
    • interaktiv |
    • Hypermedia |
    • Film |
    • Internet
  • Technik:
    • Digitales Video |
    • Datenbank


Inhaltliche Beschreibung

[7sons] - short description.

“Sheik Suellim has seven sons” Maher says proudly. “Seven Sons, and not one daughter?” I wonder. “Seven sons,” Maher replies, “and further more six daugthers.”

Florian Thalhofer from Berlin and Mahmoud Hamdy from Cairo met the Bedouins in the Sinai, close to the territories occupied by Israel.

Berlin meets Cairo meets the Beguines - inclusive a sharia-court-case. [7sons] was made in summer 2003 with the support of the Goethe-Institute, Cairo.

[7sons] is a Media Installation

[7sons] was originally designed as an interactive video-installation for two screens. It was shown the first time in Cairo in October, 2003.

[7sons] is a CD-ROM

There is a CD-ROM version of [7sons] available. It runs on PC and Mac.
To get a copy of the [7sons]-CD-Rom please send an E-mail.

[7sons] is an Internet-project

You can also see [7sons] on the Internet. If you have a fast Internet-connection go to www.7sons.com to see this streaming video project.


A four-minute documentation:

A very nice 5:30 min radio-feature on [7sons] by Justus Hermann. Broadcasted on Deutschlandfunk on July 5, 2004 (in German language).

Database Cinema

[7sons] was done with the [korsakow-system]. An easy to use software that is being developed by Florian Thalhofer and Prof Willem Velthoven in cooperation with the University of the Arts, Berlin.


This Project would not be, what it is, without the music of:

Dictaphone | Ming | SchneiderTM | Neoangin | Adult | Johnny Cash | Tigrics | Zweiraumwohnung | Laub | Arovane | Isan | Apex Twin | ISO68 | Beck

Sophie Zeitz, Sarah Raga'ei, Liza Stewart, ...

Technical requirements

For the installation:
2 Apple Macintosh G4 Computer, OSX, 30GB HD
2 video-beams

For the web-version:
Shockwave, Quicktime, fast internet-connection

For the CD-ROM version:
PC or Mac, Quicktime

[7sons] exhibition

The installation was shown to the public the first time from Oct. 8 to Oct. 30, 2003, at the Goethe-Institute, 5 Sh Bustan, Cairo.

» http://www.7sons.com [link 03]

  • ›  [10 MB ] [link 04]