Cyrus F Nourani

Multimedien Intelligenz, Kuntsliche Intelligenz, and Film

Pilot Buch 1999-2000




Intelligent Multimedia Sciences is the study, invention, and creative use of sciences and technologies for understanding and expression of multimedia intelligence and its computation by people and machines. The field presented is deeply rooted in AI, mathematical logic and models, modern communications, computer, and human sciences. Academic digital media studies are at times a partnership among Arts and Sciences, Computer Science, and Mathematics. The academic programs must intimately become aware as to the interdisciplinary nature of intelligent multimedia and its range of basic research within an applications-oriented environment. The new fields encompass the Intelligent and cognitive aspects of media Arts and Sciences, exploring the technical, cognitive, and aesthetic bases to human multimedia intelligence and its computation.
There is further interest in management science and IT to apply the new technologies to business applications. Computers and computation are the most prominent common denominators of the multi-disciplinary merger of previously separate domains. Basic to the rapid increase in applying the technologies involved are the discovery and cultivation of new set of shared intellectual and practical concerns that are becoming the foundations of a new academic discipline.
Applying the Morph Gentzen computing logic is a way to model discovery and a basis for a mind computing model in our projects. The influence of intelligent multimedia is bound to increase, and to profoundly change how we communicate with the world around us and how we express ourselves via computers and in person. It will further influence how we design movies and television programs. The principal technical and design challenges of the emerging information age are the development of the academic, scientific, and practical basis to carry out intelligent multimedia.
The monograph provides the preliminary bases to intelligent multimedia as a scientific and practical discipline with applications areas to digital art, motion pictures design, and business. It provides the AI design basis, the visual objects applications, the Information Entertainment applications, i.e. to TV and motion pictures, the pure AI, learning and perceptual computing areas, the mathematical logic basis, and the business applications areas. Further areas applied to are designing active multimedia databases.
The monograph is a technical and practical book to the popular audience, to the business minded professionals, and to all groups wanting to be on an intelligent bearing to the new field. Academics and students with sense of enterprise and inquiry will be lead to develop their own new paths. Since research is an important component of academic programs, the book provides new horizons toward specific areas of research interest. The monograph can be a university book to a course at multimedia arts and sciences and all professional career paths within it. It is further a book for the non-academic professionals, popular science enthusiasts, and the multimedia business career persons. Each chapter has assigned exercises for the academic applications.
The technical overview is as follows. Intelligent Multimedia techniques and paradigms are defined. Basic multimedia computing and principles are presented for multimedia paradigms with many facets and application areas. The computing techniques, a language, the Morph Gentzen deductive system and its models are presented in brief. Basic application areas we start with as examples are designing predefined visual scenes with diagram composition and combination. The application area is based on AI planning include affective computing. Reasoning and planning can be applied to define dynamics based on descriptions and compatibility relations.
There are techniques presented with television program rating prediction possibilities. The new Intelligent Language paradigm and intelligent visual computing paradigms are applied to the IM multiagent multimedia computing. Multimedia objects are viewed as syntactic objects to which a deductive system is applied. There are morphisms defined where a Gentzen deductive, Morph Gentzen, system is put forth for Intelligent Multimedia computing with the morphisms. The application areas to Animation, Motion Pictures design, and virtual Reality are presented with new innovative techniques.
There are further computing application areas to Visual representations for motion interpretation, inferring context, high-level models of action and intention, plan recognition given perceptual sensing, learning and recognizing procedures from video. Business applications to stock forecasting and portfolios are outlined. Active databases deploy certain computing that lends itself naturally to the IM principles. The concepts of an active object are embedded by intelligent objects and "events" are embedded by the computing defined by Intelligent Multimedia as the starting principles. Specific design techniques and paradigms are presented for most areas with the author’s innovations.
Cyrus F. Nourani, California, September 1999

Cover Design Ina -ProDesign-News



United States, September 10, 2004




Cyrus F 'Kris' Nourani, Sep 10, 2004



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