Marleen  Stikker, Gert  Lovink, Walter  de Cruijsen, …

Digital City

De digitale Stad (DDS)

Digital City

Digital City


De digitale Stad was founded in 1994 by a community network of hack activists and artists in Amsterdam. The aim of the project was to provide free access to the internet and a virtual community for independent groups, artisits and cultural organisations.

Artists / Authors


Netherlands, 1994-2004

Partners / Sponsors

The financing of DDS has been well documented, at least in the first year. The city council of Amsterdam came up with a small grant (4000 USD), which financed the pilot stage.


DDS was one of the first community network that operated on a European scale.
DDS was founded in the fall of 1993 by 10-15 people (fluid group). Marleen Stikker, who then worked for the cultural centre De Balie was the main force behind the project, that initiatially started as a 10 week pilot, now ten years ago. The project officially started on January 15, 1994.


, Jul 13, 2004

