Lynn Hershman

Time & Time Again

This networked installation integrates visitors of a museum in an interactive montage of industrial photography and live-straming.

Time&Time Again

Time&Time Again


"Time&Time Again" is a video installation that superimposes the various socio-cultural action spaces - the museum, the station, and industrial production sites - in the different layers of a projection sequence.
On the main screen of the installation in the Wilhelm-Lehmbruck Museum, video recordings were shown of the station in Duisburg, with the images being recorded by two cameras on site and streamed live. A Bluebox process in the installation room separated the silhouettes of the visitors into a 2-D graphic, and integrated them into the video image of the station. The bodies of the figures were then filled in with photographs of microchips, circuit diagrams and industrial equipment. A laser-based sensor system on the floor calculated the observer's position, and assigned the "silhouettes" to one of the six space sectors. These space layers determined the motif of the "filling".
"Time&Time Again" could be observed via the Internet using a net robot, which stood in the installation space acting as a robot avatar, with its two camera eyes corresponding with the video cameras situation at the station. The backdrop - the view of the station ? "in front of" which the museum visitors appeared, could be controlled via the Internet.

Artists / Authors


Germany, 1999

Partners / Sponsors

Hypermedia Studio UCLA-Hotwire Productions/IDEA LAB University of California, Davis in collaboration with Construct Internet Design (Fabian Wagmister,Lynn Hershman,Lior Saar




, Sep 21, 2001

