Perry Hobermann

A Systems Maintenance

A room, its model and a 3D computer graphic: interaction between different levels of reality.


Systems Maintenance confronts the visitor with three versions of a furnished room: A real room, a virtual version viewed on a computer monitor and a scale model of the room on a small rostrum (created on a scale of 1:8). Cameras record each of the three components of the installation, a virtual camera in the case of the simulation. These recordings are placed on top of each other and combined to form a single video projection. The camera positions and angles match, the rooms are superimposed on one another. Visitors can move the furniture in the three rooms. In the case of the real room and its scale model, the physical objects are moved. In the case of the simulation, the graphics are moved on the screen using the cursor.
Depending on the position, the furniture is pushed up against each other on the projection. Several visitors can now try together to bring the objects on the different reality levels back into alignment with each other.

Artists / Authors


Germany, 1999


, Sep 21, 2001

