Loren Carpenter

Kinoetic Evolution

Interactive installation in public space





Interactive video-installation, that allows the participation of a large audience. Every participant may influence the video-production collectively by using a stick. The movements in real-space influence and gear virtual graphics.
The stick is an interface and has two reflecting ends. One side is red, the other green. The participants are highlighted by a strong light and their mixture of green and red signal-dots are filmed by a video-camera. This screened information is used to generate the video-images with a computer. You may play as well games like table-tennis, but also develop abstract assemblages or colour-compositions. The participants may vote about theses forms and combine them in an interactive process. Kinoetic Evolution promotes the theme and examines the field of creativity and large groups of self-organised people. The spectator formerly passive become actively involved in participation and communication.

Artists / Authors


Germany, 1994


, Sep 21, 2001

