Jill Scott

New Informative Roles: Acceptance of Cultural Difference

Theme 7: Media Art Education. Teaching New Media

Jill Scott [link 01]

Jill Scott



This panel represents latest developments in the learning of media as well as the changing roles of the audience, the artists and the students who have become collaborators, hackers and participators exploring new techno-zones and crossing boundaries. The subjects covered by the panel include thematic based interactive media and net sharing, the collapsing of the barriers between art and science, as well as theory and practice, the necessary exploration and curiosity for technological invention and the potential of new tools and mobile concepts including the construction of on-line environments and the creation of new performative roles.

KünstlerInnen / AutorInnen

  • Jill Scott, Bauhaus University Weimar › Biografie [link 02]


  • 22. September 2001


MARS Exploratory Media Lab under the patronage of Edelgard Bulmahn, German Federal Minister for Education and Research


Fraunhofer Institute for Media Communication, Sankt Augustin, Deutschland

Eingabe des Beitrags

, 10.03.2004


  • Themen:
    • Kulturvermittlung |
    • Medienkunst |
    • Vernetzung |
    • Interaktivität
  • › cast01//Living in Mixed Realities [link 03]
  • › Paper published in the conference proceedings of Cast01 [PDF | 173 KB ] [link 04]
  • › Videodokumentation des Vortrags / Video documentation of the lecture [RealMedia] [link 05]