Bruce Wyman, Henry Kaufman, Christopher Kline

Design Goals for NetWorld, an Immersive Public Exhibit about the Internet (CA)

Theme 5: Tools and Strategies for Intermedia Production

Bruce Wyman [link 01]

Bruce Wyman



The paper discusses the design challenges for creating NetWorld, a permanent museum exhibit about how the Internet works. The exhibit space itself is responsive to visitors. It senses them through technologies such as computer vision, wireless ID cards, and physical devices with embedded sensors and responds to them through large touch screens and large-format interactive displays that span across multiple projectors. We present the design goals that lead to the adoption of these techniques and discuss the practical challenges in creating a coherent aesthetic and immersive visitor experience while adopting brand new technologies.

KünstlerInnen / AutorInnen

  • Bruce Wyman, Nearlife Inc., United States › Biografie [link 02]
  • Henry Kaufman, Nearlife Inc., United States
  • Christopher Kline, Nearlife Inc., United States


  • 22. September 2001


MARS Exploratory Media Lab under the patronage of Edelgard Bulmahn, German Federal Minister for Education and Research


Fraunhofer Institute for Media Communication, Sankt Augustin, Deutschland

Eingabe des Beitrags

, 05.03.2004


  • Vortrag


  • Themen:
    • Kulturvermittlung |
    • Repräsentation |
    • Wahrnehmung |
    • Design |
    • Informationsdesign |
    • Internet |
    • Interaktivität

Ergänzungen zur Schlagwortliste

  • Ausstellungsgestaltung
  • › cast01//Living in Mixed Realities [link 03]
  • › Paper published in the conference proceedings of Cast01 [PDF | 1 MB ] [link 04]
  • › Videodokumentation des Vortrags / Video documentation of the lecture [RealMedia] [link 05]