Isabel Saij

Major-Domo (english)

Interactive, visual sound web work

isabel saij [link 01]

isabel saij



Advertisement :
No worry, no concern : your major-domo provides everything you need.
And because you‘re living in a high-tech house,
your future major-domo must be a robot.
The avantages are obvious : no wages, no hollidays, 24 hours a day
A good value for your money..


The vision of the future is questionable. Afterwards the futuristic products often appear suddenly old in an amazing way. Every future will turn to past.

The perspective of my major-domo is that one.
The interactive work shows the „complete cycle of the product“ : from the
first technical sketches, to the scenes used to promote the „brand new Major-Domo“.
But It becomes, as time goes by, a „future-ex...“,
and ends finally in the showcase of a museum, as an „ex-future“...

More : some of the activity of our beloved major-domo are perhaps not so quite innocent and could hide some danger.
And because it almost looks as a human being, we don‘t remember it‘s
only a machine... with what kind of abilities ?
Who really knows what was done by the manufacturer ?
Communication and surveillance : only for the benefit of the proud owner of the major-domo ?
Our critical eye has to stay wide open.

KünstlerInnen / AutorInnen

  • Isabel Saij


Deutschland, 2003

Eingabe des Beitrags

Isabel Saij, 12.12.2003


  • künstlerische Arbeit


  • Themen:
    • Netzkunst |
    • Kommunikation |
    • Animation |
    • Robotik |
    • Klang |
    • Interaktivität |
    • Information
  • Formate:
    • 3D |
    • interaktiv |
    • Computeranimation
  • Technik:
    • Flash

Ergänzungen zur Schlagwortliste

  • additional softwares : |
  • Audio Logic |
  • Maxon Cinema 4D
  • › Community/netzkollektor [link 02]

» http://www.saij-neta…et/26-major-domo.html [link 03]

  • › Interview by Dr. Evelyne Rogue [Microsoft® Word | 40 KB ] [link 04]