Tang Ching Hei

Pixel Orchestra

Visualisierung von Musikspeicher und Regenerationsgerät

Illustration of installation setup [link 01]

Illustration of installation setup



Für das Aufzeichnen, Abspielen und Speichern von Musik gibt es eine Vielzahl von Medien wie CDs, Bänder, DAT und Mini Disc. Bei diesen Medien handelt es sich zweifellos um sehr populäre Standardformate, die für hochwertige Musikqualität stehen. Allerdings können diese Medien ohne Cover und Booklets keine visuellen Inhalte oder Ästhetik vermitteln. Aus diesem Grund haben wir uns entschlossen, ein neues Medium für Musik zu entwickeln, das aus sehr einfachem und billigem Material gefertigt wird und das nicht nur zum Speichern oder Abspielen von Musik, sondern auch zum Aufzeichnen und Komponieren mit visueller Ästhetik geeignet ist.

KünstlerInnen / AutorInnen

  • Tang Ching Hei


  • Lo Chin Cheung
  • Lim Han Kyu


Vereinigtes Königreich, 2003-2004

Eingabe des Beitrags

Chin Cheung Lo, 03.07.2003


  • künstlerische Arbeit


  • Themen:
    • Mixed Reality |
    • Musik |
    • Audio |
    • Medienkunst |
    • Klang
  • Formate:
    • Installation |
    • Audio
  • Technik:
    • Midi

Ergänzungen zur Schlagwortliste

  • Color Tracking |


Inhaltliche Beschreibung

Above all, the basic notion of this project is that music generates colour pixels on the screen and these pixels are printed on the paper, then this paper can generate music just like storing and playing a CD. In addition, people can compose and record music by marking color on the paper. In the first processing stage, people play the keyboard to generate color which creates a visualization and notation of the music. The next stage involves printing color pixels on the paper. The reason why we made this process is that we wanted the paper to be able to store the music, just like CDs and tapes.
The third part is for scanning color to regenerate/play the music. We created a box for scanning color on the paper. It will play what people previously recorded on this music paper, and people can change the instrumentation while playing the music. As I mentioned before, this part of process gives the user the ability to compose and record music with greater ease by filling the empty pixels with colors on the paper. Thus, if people have little knowledge about the process and the difference between color and music in this project, they will recognize which color represents which pitch and therefore they can draw their own color patterns instead of composing notation. Once the composing is done, it plays what you made immediately through a scanning device. People can see how the melody is produced through the color on the paper before scanning and playing. It can also be a painting tool, which is controlled by music. Users can generate patterns and simple pictures by pitch.


Technische Beschreibung

Basically this project is performed by MAX/MSP-jitter, which can manipulate number value of pitch and velocity from keyboard. The value triggers MAX/MSP to generate colour pixels for each pitch. MAX/MSP scans colour from paper via the web cam, which reads and analyses the colour values, namely the RGB values. Then those values trigger the patch, which is created to analyse the music pitch from the RGB values. This project needs two Apple Mac computers, one for generating colour from music and another for scanning colour to play the music.

Hardware / Software

MAX/MSP, Jitter, MIDI Keyboard, Printer, Webcam, some mechanical components.

  • › digital sparks 2003 [link 02]

» http://www.ma.rave.ac.uk/pixelorchestra [link 03]

  • › Description details of the project [36 KB ] [link 04]