monika jaeckel

. . >>>

hosts an ongoing project about the influence of remote seeing devices on perception.




'DOP - The Delegation of Perception' is a general analysis of the transmission of physical space merging into the data space of digital imaginary, considering the changes evolving from information technologies simultaneously implying different strategies of perception and modes of production of the seen. To work out a critical approach towards the actual visual material it ponders on the creation of a new space of immateriality through information technologies, which then get re-transformed onto the constitution of reality. Concluding from the well known aspect of in/visiblity as defining moment of perception and power it questions the status of what is delivered as visualisation. Indirect perception concerns an increasing part of visual informational input, still mainly regarded under the equalizing impetus of 'seeing' compared to knowledge.

'DOVwKP – The Demand of Visibility within Knowledge Production' focuses on emerging criteria of scientific visual abstracts into daily imaginary and the influence onto the construction of view onto reality and world.

KünstlerInnen / AutorInnen



Deutschland, 2002-2003




.. this is an ongoing project, which tries to analyse the changes in image depiction and usage. Regarding that again massmedia starts to occupy those forms of expression through superficial overtake - it will especially focus on how those changed directions evolving from new media can be used within the expression of intercultural communication as already initiated by documentary filmmakers, media artists and activists.
Anybody who feels that there is some relation to the own work in film/video making, networking ... please feel free to contact me ...

Eingabe des Beitrags

monika jaeckel, 02.07.2003

