Terry Smith

Difference and Reconciliation - Art Writing in the Clash between Cultures

Vortrag im Rahmen der Konferenz "Frames of Viewing"

Terry Smith

Terry Smith




The pivotal question facing art history today is the same old one: how might we adequately articulate the intricate, sometimes accidental but always material relationships between the potentialities and the limitiations of media, artistic precedent, psychic necessity and social demand that shape the genesis and reception of works of art?
These days, this question is being asked at a particular moment in the history of inquiry. The conjunctive/disjunctive methodology of what used to known as "the social history of art" remains. In my view, the ground plan for any viable art history, yet it has, over the past thirty years, been radically, and for the most part productively, revised by feminism, psychoanalysis, semiotics, by a variety of poststructuralisms, particularly deconstruction, by an awareness of the imagery of the sexualities, queer theory, by postcolonial critique and by the demands of the nascent history of vision and visuality. It will, inevitably, be asked by other critical methodologies to come.
More importantly, the pivotal question is being asked, now, under the conditions of contemporaneity. In the new world disorder, multiple temporalities, the untimely and inequity rule all relationships. These occur within (i) dominant globalizing and national cultural formation, and in the internationalizing subcultures linked to them, such as the Contemporary Art world or the market for Impressionist and Old Master art, (ii) within indigenous, local, regional, colonized and postcolonial cultures, and (iii) in the complex communicative channels that constantly open and close between these cultures.
I will explore the implications of this situation for art historical, visual culture inquiry today, making special reference to contemporary Aboriginal art in Australia.

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Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles und Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin.


Haus der Kulturen der Welt, John-Foster-Dulles-Allee 10, 10557 Berlin, Deutschland


» http://www.hkw.de/de…fviewing/c_texte.html

Eingabe des Beitrags

, 02.07.2003



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