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Fiona Raby ist Senior Research Fellow Computer Related Design, Tutor Architecture and Interiors, Royal College of Art, London. Von 1982-1988 studierte sie Architektur an der Birmingham School of Architecture und dem Royal College of Art in London. In den Jahren 1992-1995 studierte sie Computer Related Design am Royal College of Art, London.
Geboren 1963 in Singapur.
1982-1988 Studium der Architektur an der Birmingham School of Architecture und Royal College of Art, London; 1992-1995 Studium Computer Related Design, Royal College of Art, London; seit 1997 Senior Research Fellow Computer Related Design, Tutor Architecture and Interiors, Royal College of Art, London
Exhibitions / Presentations
Werke und Festivalteilnahmen u. a.: d-electrification centre, Salon 3 (London, 1999) / Hertzian Tales, Air de Paris (Paris 1998) / Design Noir (Grenoble 1998) / Victoria & Albert Museum (London).
- Topics
- design |
- architecture