Inhaltliche Beschreibung
Pleasemusicworks ist ein Projekt, das in Zusammenarbeit mit einer sechsköpfigen jungen Komponistengruppe aus New Zork und Los Angeles entstand. Zusammen mit der Gruppe stellte ich eine Internetdatenbank zusammen, die hunderte begabter Musiker und Komponisten vorstellen soll. Die Musiker und Komponisten kommen aus den verschiedensten Bereichen. Hauptfokus der Gruppe ist der Film- und Fernsehbereich, insbesondere die Produktion kleinerer, künstlischer Projekte. Ein Handbuch für Independent Filmemacher soll die Finanzierung der Komponisten erleichtern.
Das Ziel war es, die Gruppe online so attraktiv und übersichtlich darzustellen, dass Produzenten und Regisseure schnell Einblick in deren Biographie und Fähigkeiten erlangen. Ich enschied mich für eine frische, aber elegante Umsetzung, denn die Gruppe soll sowohl jung, innovativ, experiementell und abenteuerlustig, als auch ernsthaft, zuverlässig und professionell erscheinen.
Mission Statement
We are a team of composers and an ensemble of more than one hundred musicians with one single goal -- to create original and innovative music for film. Our varied backgrounds, collective endeavors, and enthusiasm for creative thrill-seeking have been fused into a musical language that transcends style and genre.
We are dedicated to the translation of human emotion into music. We strive to create music that the eyes want to hear and the ears want to see. The finished score is a product inspired by the picture, creating an emotion through a synaesthetic experience of the two art forms.
In a unique approach, we work collaboratively on every project. Our composers will each contribute to and participate in the creative process, producing a bevy of material as diverse as we are. At the onset of each project, an artistic director will be chosen from among the group to supervise and shape the music to the demands of the film.
Films are not the limit. We enjoy excursions to other artistic realms as well. Our previous endeavors include composing for theatre, dance, visual arts, television, radio, and the concert stage.
Ultimately, our diversity as artists lends versatility to any project we undertake. We write for any mood or ensemble -- from a giant brass section to a whispering nyckelharpa, from notated orchestral cacophony to an electronic lullaby.
Our music is performed by our hand-picked ensemble, each musician a virtuoso in his or her own field.
No project falls outside of our combined expertise. Our real strength as a collective lies in our devotion to the Music and the high level of quality, musicianship, creativity, and pleasure by which it is dictated.
Please Music Works is based in New York and Los Angeles and its members include some of the best young classically trained composers and performers from all around the United States and Europe.