Andreas Soller

Intimate Space

Intimate Space

 [link 01]


Technische Beschreibung

Macromedia Director Final Cut

Hardware / Software

* Apple Macintosh OS X (10.2 or higher)
* Screen Resolution: 1024 x 768
* Minimum: G4 500 MHz
* Stereo-Speakers
There is also a version for OS 9 with a few known issues such as cursor flickering and some pixel noise. Those problems deal with high quality videos in macromedia director.
Those issues are solved under OS X (the operating system I developed for).


Hochschule / Fachbereich

Fachhochschule Vorarlberg, RMIT Melbourne
Kommunikationsdesign (Studiengang Intermedia)

URL der Hochschule

» [link 02]

Betreuer des Projekts

 Mark Lycette

Kommentar des Betreuers

The work he is entering is a highly developed exploration and experiment into relationships between screen based interaction and that of tactile "real" objects, as in this case a book. The project takes the concept of a book into a digital environment, expands on its traditional characteristics while widening its scope as a media object.
Andreas, inspired by the tactility and haptic nature of the CDROM "Ceremonies of Innocence" has "pushed" the boundaries even further within the limitations of the mouse being the avatar for the user. The project successfully employs stop motion methodology to create the feeling of a real book on the screen while convincing (I believe) the viewer that such a book actually exists. This is not an easy feat to accomplish in the digital environment and displays his sensitivity and skill in creating an emotive and comfortable space.
I believe Andreas work is highly successful work and it has been a pleasure working with him in its development.

Seminar / Kurzbeschreibung

The project has been completed as part of the three year Bachelor of Multimedia (BAM) at RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia. This course has been in operation for three years and is an extension of the highly successful Advanced Diploma of Multimedia that has been running at RMIT University since 1992. It is seen as the most successful Multimedia school in Australia.

Zuordnung Forschungsbereich

My position is of a full-time lecturer at RMIT University. I lecture in Concept Development and mentor a number of students completing their major projects as their final folio piece.

  • › digital sparks 2003 [link 03]

» http://www2.students…/~im00x11/major_rmit/ [link 04]