Kazumi Wada


A new viewpoint of Shunga in four season by Japanese style



University / department

Hochschule fuer Gestaltung Karlsruhe
Digitale Medien

University URL

» http://www.hfg-karlsruhe.de/

Project supervisor

Prof. Michael Saup › Biography

Supervisor commentary

Well, one of my favourite topics presented here in a CD-ROM-like manner. One navigates through 48 possible ways to communicate physical love. The interface is easy to understand and I like to investigate on the myths of Japanese love. Seems not to be much different from European style, maybe the body is the limit here or the hetero-setup. Anyway, a nice work by my student Kazumi.

Course abstract

Relation to the research area

Digitale Medien - Staatliche Hochschule für Gestaltung im ZKM