Chin Cheung Lo

Wave Table

Installation eines Klangvisualisierungs- und Klangerfassungssystems

illustration of installation setup

illustration of installation setup

Technische Beschreibung

We are using a sound recording, pitch detection and color tracking xtra for director, then we make the lingo program to generate the sound representation graphics when user record the message to the computer. The shape of the graphic is according to the values of the pitch of the user's voice. Each sound object have its own reference number to the recorded sound file. The tracking xtra will keep track the location when user put the cup on table, and it will calculate the position whether the cup's location and sound object intersect or not. The sound message will replay through the wireless speaker when user catches the sound object by the cup.

Hardware / Software

- Wooden box
- PC computer with Macromedia Director 8.5 program
- Projector
- Mirror
- Web Cam for video tracking
- 2 cups
- 2 light bulbs
- Wireless speaker
- Wireless microphone