Nagore Salaberria

memory of space

Installation, die die Erinnerung der Räume aufzeichnet

3D simulation of the memory room

3D simulation of the memory room

Hochschule / Fachbereich

Ravensbourne College of Design and Communication
MA Interactive Digital Media

URL der Hochschule


Betreuer des Projekts

Prof. Karel Dudesek

Kommentar des Betreuers

Part of the research of this project has been a study of meta-imaging; rendering images from variations of previous images.... also in a sense recording time and making a new manifestation of time. It questions very much how we interact with space, and also within space.
The role of 'space' is important as it includes the social context of the work. It would be better made and realised in a public space, providing memory of activity over the course of the day.
It would be very attractive to make a kind of memory clock that shows activity over the 24hrs of the day. We have also looked for alternatives in materials, than using video screens, or projections, and have identified that in a "room" sense some kind of screen made up of digital paper or tiles, that could make up a image, or representation, would be preferable - but that this kind of technology is just available and very expensive. Also in terms of a public space, Nagore and other students have identified the use of AR techniques like projecting graphics onto spaces or buildings would be an interesting area
I think its interesting that Nagore has made a link in to the use of space, and the social aspect of it, within the context of this kind of technique. The prospect also that it can be realised in a virtual space, or web based in another form is also interesting. The work forms part of a wider investigation of these ideas, which is realised on different platforms. This is something that we encourage our students to do.

Seminar / Kurzbeschreibung

MA Interactive Digital Media at Ravensbourne College, London, is a relatively new course, since 1 year led by Professor Karel Dudesek of Vienna, who brings experience on a wide range of activities from media arts to interactive television to virtual reality. The intention is to offer a much broader horizon for students than that of typical "multimedia courses".
The students & staff of MA IDM are involved with creating projects in interactivity, visual and audio mediums, online and networked systems and generally exploring new approaches to technology. This has been realized through the ongoing development of an MA Experimental Resource -<XR>- a studio with a philosophy to develop "space based media", both actual and virtual. What we are developing is a resource for spatial sound installation, a virtual set area, use of tracking and interactive sensing equipment, all linked to computers and software such as Max, MSP, Nato. We are inviting students to use sensors and electronics to make real-time interaction, and to think about presenting their work in a different way. In the first year it has been the introduction of Max software into the curriculum that has kick-started this progression to a new kind of work, and the creation of some exciting projects.

Zuordnung Forschungsbereich

In the current second year, students have realised projects with spatial interaction and sound, using techniques such as video tracking and surround sound positioning. The current interest both from staff and students are works that reflect upon the experience of time based, or realtime art works, and that uses processes available in the software such as Max/MSP/Jitter to make prototypes and presentations of these ideas. Time is certainly a key part of media art installations. Viewers are familiar with works that are immersive, whether by use of VR equipment or large scale projection, and are seemingly looking for works that allow themselves to be immersed in the technology. What is interested in using software that can work in real-time and interactively, is that the "time" element of the work can be played with and thus we have ideas such as the memory recorder.
Previous projects and works in progress are showcased on the website
Prof. Karel Dudesek and Jim Wood, Technical Tutor Interactive Digital Media Ravensbourne College of Design and Communication.