Nagore Salaberria

memory of space

Installation, die die Erinnerung der Räume aufzeichnet

3D simulation of the memory room

3D simulation of the memory room

Inhaltliche Beschreibung

Behind this project lays the theory of the meaning of space. The space has a meaning only if someone is inhabiting it. If there is nobody interacting with a space is like if that space wouldn't exist. As we can read in "Maya" written by Jostein Gaarder: "there would be no Universe if there wouldn't be someone to see it". The space is dependant of people and people is at the same time dependant of the space.
When we inhabit on a space we give meaning and sense to it. We alter something on it. This relation between people and space and the idea of responsive spaces, not so much on the physical sense but more on the meaning sense is what this project wants to show.
It records what happens inside a room and shows it back projected on the walls of the room.
The walls go filling with the images of a specific time lapse building this way with the 'bricks' of the time the walls of our space.
At the same time a metaimage effect is applied so all the images of the past form the actual time image. Doing this the idea is to show that the memory of the space is not based on a linear time line. All the images of the memory are in one and all of them together form the actual time image of the room.
Although the realisation of this project has been focused especially in the real space, the research of the project goes further. It looks towards the relation between real space and virtual space; how people interacts with this two kinds of spaces and how both spaces interact with each other.