Jaanis Garancs

Private Multi-verse Perception

Interactive 'molecules' of 'audiovisual space and time' (Virtual Reality environment / multi-media performance)

Nominee of the digital sparks award 2003

title pictogramm / logo

title pictogramm / logo

Content Description

Thinking on how to combine ‘passive’ and ‘active’ audience participation, I chose to create a ‘2-faced’ artwork: a) ‘an interactive installation’ – ‘a toy’ where public can play with some features for a game-like experience, and b) the ‘up-scaled’ version, where the author(s) improvise with the material in an ‘expert way’ on the stage.

The senes through the stereocopic (3D) projection and the surrounding (3D/XYZ) sound create experience of extreme density and saturation of multi-layered spatial ambience. Images and sounds range from hyper-geometric ('animated suprematism') to organic photographic/filmic reality, shifting from morphing sculpture to 'animated cubism', 'dyno-collage' landscape.

The featured hybrid 'audiovisual molecules' collide, mutate, join, morph into each other. The new clusters open new micro-perspectives (spatial gateways). Some objects dissaper from visual- and transpose into aural representation (and vice versa).

The interactivity is a 'dialogue' between 'micro-ecological' system (algorythmic simulation) and oberver's navigation and input device gestures. It resembles 'virtual surgery' through 'the tissues' of this hybride reality.


The utopia of ‘visionaries’ centuries ago is becoming an industrial trend today – to let the code organize (control) the ‘hidden reality’ to the degree that it is becoming almost a tangible ‘matter’.

Every day avareness of myself being wrapped in a of visible and invisible reality fabric, every nanonmilimeter of air is full of chemical reactions, 'cellular radiation', digital modelling and traces of past processes.

I was trying also to reflect to rather abstract notions as Endoperspective, Ultraperspective, Cross-Modal Association, Artificial Synaesthesia, and finally - Mirror World hypothesis.

(more: on the project's URL: http://+.x-i.net
or http://plus.x-i.net )