Jaanis Garancs

Private multi-verse Perception

Interaktive 'Moleküle' des 'audiovisuellen Raums und der audiovisuellen Zeit'

visual title (pictogramm) [link 01]

visual title (pictogramm)


Hochschule / Fachbereich

Kunsthochschule für Medien, Köln

URL der Hochschule

» http://www.khm.de [link 02]

Betreuer des Projekts

 David Larcher

Kommentar des Betreuers

I was very happy to be able to act as one of the "Betreuer" for Jaanis Garancs diploma work +=X at KHM in Köln (the others being Prof. Zielinski and Prof. Vogelaar). It represents the current state of his ongoing research in the areas of real-time 3D, VRML, coding, midi triggered audio synthesis and the interface.
The work is difficult to describe since it evolves with each individual presentation and is dependent on aesthetic improvisation and timing which are never quite reproducible. It takes the form of an interface instrument rendering image and sound in real-time and producing 3D spaces both on a flat screen and with the addition of polarizing spectacles. In some sense it can be called an interactive installation since the work is experienced via a joystick, data glove or touch screen interface which link to a database of VRML objects, textures, audio samples and coded behaviours. These create evolving 3D spaces which are rendered on the fly whilst simultaneously triggering and creating audio spaces. Work such as this has already been seen in >=Cave<= and other virtual environments, but in +=X we are invited to take part in the actual creation of the environment. Moving seamlessly between connected visual environments, particle image explosions, lettrist landscapes and disintegrating geometric borderlands. The installation has its roots in current experimentation in VR but it represents an interesting step in new form cinema and gaming relationships since we are immersed in a synthetic aesthetic that becomes its own "raison d'etre" as we learn to navigate its varied geographies. Whether seen single screen in 3D or on multiple screens one is drawn into the experience through the process of continuous transformation.

Seminar / Kurzbeschreibung


Zuordnung Forschungsbereich

David Larcher, Professor Medienkunst

  • › digital sparks 2003 [link 03]

» http://plus.x-i.net [link 04]

  • › interactive 'audiovisual space/time molecule' [JPEG | 42 KB ] [link 05]
  • › projection [JPEG | 77 KB ] [link 06]
  • › Hi-res screenshot (resize the pop-up window!) [JPEG | 161 KB ] [link 07]
  • › excerpts from installation view [RealMedia] [link 08]
  • › scheme [16 KB ] [link 09]