Florian Piltz, Florian Brandt, Anja Osterloh, …


Installation aus dem "sensoric garden"

Aegina (real und virtuell) [link 01]

Aegina (real und virtuell)


Hochschule / Fachbereich

Universität Bremen
Informatik, FB 3

URL der Hochschule

» http://www.uni-bremen.de [link 02]

Betreuer des Projekts

Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Bruns

Kommentar des Betreuers

Aegina was one of seven installations at the Bremen Open Air Event "Sensoric Garden" performed by 20 Students of Digital-Media Studies of Bremen University. It took place in the central park of Bremen on an old Theater-site, at that time also hosting a Roses-Exhibition: A rose is a rose is a rose ..
The Event "Sensoric Garden" addressed the relation between real and virtual worlds. It was an invitation to visitors to experience transitions between reality and virtuality with all their senses: smell of roses, touching of earth, stone, water, view of stone statues coming to virtual life, fighting virtual fire with a real water pump, dancing between roses generating light and sound, playing with avatars in a Flirt machine, which projected virtual objects into video-images of pairs of visitors sitting on a park-bank.
During the Three-Night installation many visitors were attracted. (They even experienced real rain not planed by the actors.)
The installation Aegina demonstrated a nice and very differentiated picture of informatic-structures and reality. The virtual 3D-world showed a recursive relation to its real environment. Visitors, moving on a pressure-mat, controlled the movement of an avatar walking through a virtual world. The virtual world was a model of the real surrounding park with several surprising details (sometimes down to a single flower). The virtual world was projected on a large screen in front of a stone woman-statue. Playing with the illumination of the statue resulted in another mixture of virtual and real phenomena.

Seminar / Kurzbeschreibung

Project "Methea - Media and Theater" was a one-year project at Bremen University within the studies of Digital-Media/Media-Informatics.
The aim of the project was to develop an understanding and get practical experience of human-computer interaction topics. Virtual Reality and its extensions to Mixed Reality were investigated in relation to performing arts, theater metaphors of interaction design approaches and MECHANEE as an old root of theater.
Several smaller reflections and performances prepared the way for the final event "Sensoric Garden", namely
"Theater der Maschinen"
"A wedding rehearsal in Cybertown"
"Mixed Reality Stages"
"Sensors and Actuators"

Zuordnung Forschungsbereich

The Project-Course had close relations to our work at the Bremen research center ARTEC.
We develop Mixed Reality based human-computer interaction solutions beyond the desktop metaphor.
In several German National Science Foundation and European research projects we develop new forms of learning environments combining simulation, visualisation and real world experience:
RUGAMS-Rechnergestützte Übergänge zwischen gegenständlichen und abstrakten Modellen produktionstechnischer Systeme,
BREVIE-Bridging real and virtual Worlds with a graspable User Interface,
DERIVE-Distributed real and virtual learning environment for Mechatronics and Tele-Service.
Our focus is on the relation of Art, Work and Technology.

  • › digital sparks 2003 [link 03]

» http://www.piltz.info/aegina/aegina.zip [link 04]

  • › Nachts, wenn es dunkel wird, wird der Theaterberg zum "Sensoric Garden" [PDF | 254 KB ] [link 05]
  • › screen shot: 3D-Modell der liegenden Statue [JPEG | 29 KB ] [link 06]
  • › screen shot: aeginas welt [JPEG | 91 KB ] [link 07]
  • › screen shot: welt aus der vogelperspektive [JPEG | 84 KB ] [link 08]
  • › screen shot: virtuelles modell des theaterberg [JPEG | 105 KB ] [link 09]