Björn Karnebogen

Type and Image

Über den Zusammenhang von Schrift und Bild

Historic Tale Construction Kit

Historic Tale Construction Kit

Content Description

Type and Image were once united and are now two separate media. The following works range between these two poles.
Pictographic characters were the first traces that humans used to represent words and phrases. As they arranged them according to their thoughts, they really began to think. This strong relationship between Type and Image is the subject of this work. The main point is, to give the alphabet or respectively the Latin letters, a more pictorial and emotional impression. It is done in an abstract, associative way, with motion and animation, or more obviously with sugar cubes and French Fries.
Some modules have an eCard function, which means that you can send messages to your friends. The following tools provide eCard functionality: Typowriter, Sugarcubed, Pommes Player and MultiMotion. These tools gives you the opportunity to create your greetings in a new, cool and stylish way. They will be good-looking and your friends will be happy to hear from you.
A Little Story and A Historic Tale are examples for pictographic or ideographic story-telling. It is the most abstract approach to the matter of Type and Image. But nonetheless it remains understandable.
Last but not least the Historic Tale Construction Kit is the synthesis and most sophisticated module. It is based on the Tapestry of Bayeux, a great masterpiece from the Middle Ages. The inventory of the tapestry can be used to create your own historic tale. It is like designing a comic. There are two main modes, the image mode and the text mode. The image mode contains 5 different picture settings (folk, warrior, animals, buildings and miscellaneous). In the text mode you have the opportunity to add text to the images. Of course, you can send your story as an eCard to a friend and also submit it to the gallery, so other users can share what you have done.