Jaanis Garancs

MultiCultureMolecular Humans

Society as MultiCultureMolecular Virus epidemy

Nominee of the digital sparks award 2002

MultiCultureMolecular Humans

MultiCultureMolecular Humans

University / department

Kunsthochschule für Medien, Köln

University URL

» http://www.khm.de

Project supervisor

Prof. Frans Vogelaar

Supervisor commentary

project "MultiCultureMolecular Humans"
"MultiCultureMolecular Humans" is a highly complex interactive media environment. It is a combination of an interactive game and an atmospheric Virtual-Reality movie. It is an experiment exploring the borders of perception. The innovative and experimental use of the VRML-format is technically and artistically very interesting.

Course abstract

seminar: "no-end technology"
Within the seminar "no-end technology" students worked on the development of endless, recyclable, low cost, non-hierarchical, "open-source", "do-it-yourself" technology (robots and interfaces) and experimented with non-hierarchical and non-controllable communication systems.

Relation to the research area

Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln, Department for "Hybrid Space / Medialer Raum"
The Department for "Hybrid Space / Medialer Raum" at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne (Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln) is a multidisciplinary laboratory for the development of experimental projects on combined analog/digital ("hybrid") space. There, new media artists, designers, architects and urbanists collaborate with soft- and hardware engineers in the development of combined analog and digital, urban/architectural and media spaces.
The scope of the research and development projects ranges from those on the urban scale and the scale of the mobility networks, to architectural interiors and 1:1 industrial design applications and to wearables and interface design.