Helge Jansen, Denise Laser, Michael Van Den Bogaard, …

The Network Vehicle

eine physikalisch-virtuelle Busexpedition zur Erkundung und Etablierung europäischer Kreativnetzwerke unter Einfluß natürlicher Kräfte

The Network Vehicle [link 01]

The Network Vehicle


  • › Extending the NV [JPEG | 57 KB ] [link 02]
  • › Electronical Tent [JPEG | 72 KB ] [link 03]
  • › static <-> mobile [MP3 | 542 KB ] [link 04]

Technische Beschreibung

Um flexibel auf die jeweiligen Anforderungen reagieren zu können, wird für das Projekt unterschiedlichste Technik verwendet:
PC / Mac Laptops
GPRS / HSCSD Mobil Verbindung
Mobiles Audio Recording Equipment
Low-end Technology (Lötkolben, Elektronikzeug, Mikromodule)
DV-Kameras, Super 8, 16mm, Kleinbildkamera, Lochkameras
Midi-Geräte (Keyboards, Theremin, Controller-Boxen) in Zusammenhang mit VST-Umgebung (Virtual Studio Technology)

Hardware / Software



Hochschule / Fachbereich

Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Medienkunst / Mediengestaltung

URL der Hochschule

» http://www.khm.de [link 05]

Betreuer des Projekts

Prof. Frans Vogelaar

Kommentar des Betreuers

Helge Jansen's Network Vehicle is a project on a networked bus, travelling through Europe connecting artist and experts from different countries and fields and creating a networked collaborative environment as well as a mobile presentation space for media art projects.
The project Network Vehicle combines the idiosyncrasies of different places (cities within Europe) with the artistic tension of the different participants. It exploits the tensions between a series of physical localities (cities) and the non-locality of media networks (broadcasting on TV and Internet). It also addresses the theme of mobility, as it combines physical mobility (the vehicle) with immaterial mobility (media networks).
The project Network Vehicle does not focus on the work of the one artist-individual but on the synergy of the collective artistic collaborative process and addresses a broad public.

Seminar / Kurzbeschreibung

seminar capsule/container
The Network Vehicle was developed within a seminar concentrating on concepts and strategies for a glocal (combined global and local) networked and mobile container/capsule infrastructure. The seminar researched the increasing densities of communication, inverting identity, as well as the concept of place within the context of hybrid trans-locality.

Zuordnung Forschungsbereich

Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln, Department for "Hybrid Space / Medialer Raum"
The Department for Hybrid Space / Medialer Raum at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne (Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln) is a multidisciplinary laboratory for the development of experimental projects on combined analog/digital (hybrid) space. There, new media artists, designers, architects and urbanists collaborate with soft- and hardware engineers in the development of combined analog and digital, urban/architectural and media spaces.
The scope of the research and development projects ranges from those on the urban scale and the scale of the mobility networks, to architectural interiors and 1:1 industrial design applications and to wearables and interface design.

  • › digital sparks 2002 [link 06]

» http://www.networkvehicle.org [link 07]

  • › Network Vehicle Trailer [847 KB ] [link 08]
  • › On board of the Network Vehicle... [MP3 | 304 KB ] [link 09]
  • › In the course of the journey... [MP3 | 749 KB ] [link 10]
  • › Extending the NV [JPEG | 57 KB ] [link 11]
  • › Electronical Tent [JPEG | 72 KB ] [link 12]
  • › static <-> mobile [MP3 | 542 KB ] [link 13]