Philip Pocock, Gregor Stehle, Axel Heide, …



the movie stream [link 01]

the movie stream


Inhaltliche Beschreibung



Hochschule / Fachbereich

Fachhochschule für Gestaltung Pforzheim

URL der Hochschule

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Betreuer des Projekts

Prof. Philip Pocock

Kommentar des Betreuers

Unmovie - 2 B @ 10.2002 - fuses audience with 'actor-media' on a cyberstage choreographed by user interactions following game-like rules and moves. With the 'actor-media', or chatbots, drawing their textual personalities from real books and lyrics, i.e. Nietzsche 'Beyond Good and Evil, the entire lyrics of Dylan, and so on, all the while picking up new words for their text 'brains' from their live conversations with users, a cyberscript unfolds. The never-ending cyberscript is a somewhat syntactically poetic dialogue that uses markov chains - an open source linguistic algorithm - to assure relatively good grammar and a nuance of automatic writing. The 'actor-media' conversations are assured by the code to revolve around a stream of topics which emerge, are sustained for a period of time and then blend on to the next topic, so as to sustain a conversational logic on the part of the 'actor-media' in conversation with the unforeseeable text input from users, who spur on the script by introducing fresh words like 'talk viruses' which the chatbots catch and multiply in later conversations.

The cyberstage and cyberscript phases are aesthetically user-participatory, and it is the dialogue itself, and specifally the keyword topics, which fetch the visuals from a growing on-line d_video database of found clips from around the net and on the gnutella network, all of which are entered into the Unmovie's video database with a text descriptor by the project authors. The video database descriptors are queried for matches by the cyberscript log of keywords which then assembles the Unmovie from dialogue text fragments superimposed on associated and found d_video material for viewing.

The visitor may either spectate this Unmovie stream, or freely choose to participate in its constructions. All texts are sampled or provided by anonymous users, and all visuals are found on the Net or in its underground on the gnutella video network. As such Unmovie is an experiment in the future of cinema and is being produced collaboratively by Axel Heide, Oliver Kauselmann, Thorsten Kloepfer, Philip Pocock and Gregor Stehle for the ZKM 'future.cinema' exhibition in the fall of 2002.

The cyberscript alpha prototype is up at:

Seminar / Kurzbeschreibung

networks media strategies - comprising a study of collaborative art practice, the art of datatecture and other social technologies for translocal rich media initiatives - form the substance of the course of study out of which future cinema and 'interactor' media projects like Unmovie emerge.

Zuordnung Forschungsbereich

digital cinema
interactive cinema
flash 6
game narrative
linguistic algorithms
participatory aesthetics

  • › digital sparks 2002 [link 03]

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