Francis Hunger

--digital work

Über den Mythos von digitaler Arbeit und Kreativität

Nominiert für den
Digital Sparks Award 2002

digital work

digital work

Inhaltliche Beschreibung

# What?
From 1st of March till 30th 2001 I produced files working for one hour each day. The file consists of one or two statements which will be copied into it again and again until one hour has passed. The pasting happened by pressing Strg+V and Enter during that hour.
# The statements
The statements are thoughts about the status of digital work and general reflections on the use of computers within a production-environment. It turns out that creativity is the main myth of the digital age, while most digital work is repetitive (although it is complex). Further ideas you'll get when directly browsing an reading the files 1.txt -25.txt.
# Live action
On 29th I did the copy&paste-work at the "Shop For Nothing", a small gallery space in Leipzig. I worked for five hours while people were around watching the situation or talking. You can have a look to images in the DOCU folder 1.jpg - 7.jpg or start a two minute video by pointing to digitalwork.ram (RealVideo).
# Further material
Within the mail-folder you'll find my e-mail exchange on the digital work topic during march 2001.
Within 30 days I've produced 16,1 Mb (16.933.856 Bytes) on different computers.