Jan Hendrik Brüggemeier



Nominiert für den
Digital Sparks Award 2001

Technische Beschreibung

live-streaming is a technology, which makes it possible to broadcast live audio and video via internet. this is called "webcasting". at the moment we are using software provided by real.com wich provides good quality also on low bandwith and is highly distributed. to receive one stream you need to install a software player like realplayer,ms-mediaplayer or winamp (with realplugin). to porduce one stream by your own, you need the so called realproducer. both software-programms are downloadable at real.com. the trialversion its free. then you need the url and the logindata for a realserver, all is available at our website. at the hardwaresite you need a lowcost-soundcard, plugin your externel audioequipment. configure the soundcard on your desktop, click on "start encoding" in the realproducer and you are already "webcasting".

Hardware / Software

hardware: 1 computer with internet access and a soundcard. right now pingfm is still working with realmedia-software.