Martin Schneider

GENIUS Bodybuilder

Ein Tool für die avaLUTION von EVOtars

[link 01]



"GENIUS Bodybuilder" ist ein Tool für den evolutionären Entwurf von willkürlichen, in sich geschlossenen Flächenobjekten im dreidimensionalen Raum. Sein Haupteinsatzbereich ist die Schaffung von Avatars und virtuellen Charakteren.

KünstlerInnen / AutorInnen

  • Martin Schneider


  • Fabian Härle


Deutschland, 2001

Partner / Sponsoren

Media consultant: Rotzoll, Frank Dipl.-Inf. Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter des IMT consultant for Evolutionary Algorithms: Hartmut Pohlheim DaimlerChrysler AG Forschung und Technologie Alt-Moabit 96a D-10559 Berlin Germany

Eingabe des Beitrags

Martin Schneider, 30.06.2001


  • künstlerische Arbeit


  • Themen:
    • Genetische Algorithmen |
    • Avatare
  • Formate:
    • Software
  • Technik:
    • Genetisches Modellieren


Inhaltliche Beschreibung

"GENIUS Bodybuilder" is a tool for the evolutionary design of arbitrary closed surface objects in 3d space. Its main field of application is the creation of avatars and virtual characters. Genius supports both userguided interactive evolution and automatic evolution using physical and optical sensor modules. The current implementation "Genius Sculptor" is used to create individual avatars out of prototypes by shape blending and free form deformation. The next step "Genius Creator" will be concerned with the creation of arbitrary forms using embryology, L-Systems and Cellular Automata.


  • › This is a technical paper on GENIUS. [Microsoft® Word | 908 KB ] [link 02]

Technische Beschreibung

GENIUS Sculptor has been implemented as a PlugIn for Maya 3.0 - a highend Tool for 3d modelling and computer animation.

Hardware / Software

8-16 professional infrared flood lights (je nach Raumgrösse)


Hochschule / Fachbereich

Technische Universität-Ilmenau
Institut für Medientechnik

Betreuer des Projekts

Prof. Dr.Karl-Heinz Brandenburg
Institut für Medientechnik

Kommentar des Betreuers

  • › digital sparks 2001 [link 03]

» http://www.rz.tu-ilm… [link 04]

  • › The meshdata for the face was developed by Alias|Wavefront for the promotion of their Computer Animation Software Maya. They should be asked before publishing the face images, but this will be no problem, since GENIUS is the best promotion they can get. [52 KB ] [link 05]
  • › This is the front page of our GENIUS Bodybuilder Interface, featuring our little Mascot Arnold Einstein. [24 KB ] [link 06]
  • › Here you can see the GENIUS Sculptor Interface in action. See our webpage for more screenshots... [37 KB ] [link 07]
  • › This is a technical paper on GENIUS. [Microsoft® Word | 908 KB ] [link 08]