Felix Sattler


Eine interaktive Streaming-Installation

Nominee of the digital sparks award 2001

University / department

Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
Fakultät Medien

Project supervisor

Prof. Jill Scott › Biography
Fakultät Medien

» http://www.uni-weimar.de/medien/

Supervisor commentary

Not many schools are developing complicated experiments with MAX and its accompanying NATO visual software, so tidlecurrent is breaking ground in this regard. Here sound can not only effect the images but the concept of sending the NATO algorithm around the world via the net and watching it grow and effect changes was both a conceptual and a practical challenge for these two students. The results were very interesting.

Course abstract

The above projects were part of a yearly event we have constructed to deal with the following issues. FUSION 99, 2001, 2002 (Every Summer semester) For the last three years FUSION explores the potential of student exhibition and collaboration on the net. FUSION is a unique series of interactive telepresence events with themes like Time (Transference, De-materialization, Parallel Worlds, and Mixed Realities) between universities which explore the current break down of definitions, dualism's. and geographical boundaries in a point to point net experience. Every year- Fusion 2001 is a week long on-line event between students and staff from three Universities.. The Bauhaus University in Weimar, The Department of Design in Los Angeles and The College of Fine Art. University of NSW Sydney.

Relation to the research area

The Media Faculty at the Bauhaus University consists of the following sub-courses. Media Culture, (Theory of media and popular culture), Media Systems (Computer Science and Virtual realms) and Media Design (Art and Design based on media). The annual Event FUSION, aims to use this unique environment to explore a very different venue for International on-line expression and therefore it directly fits in with the conceptual direction of the department.