Rosario Azzarello

Synthetic WC

A WC concept for Second Life.

[link 01]



A crazy interactive synthetic WC, for the virtual world of "Second Life".

KünstlerInnen / AutorInnen

  • Rosario Azzarello, Student, ZHDK


  • Max Moswitzer, Dozent, ZHDK


Schweiz, 2007

Eingabe des Beitrags

Rosario Azzarello, 04.12.2007 [link 02]


  • Bildung und Lernen


  • Themen:
    • Wahrnehmung |
    • Wissensräume |
    • Interaktivität |
    • Virtuelle Realität
  • Formate:
    • Virtuelles Environment |
    • Computergraphik |
    • Internet

Ergänzungen zur Schlagwortliste

  • Second Life


  • › Komplett Set [JPEG | 66 KB ] [link 03]
  • › WC [JPEG | 48 KB ] [link 04]
  • › WC-Papier [JPEG | 49 KB ] [link 05]
  • › Sudoku [JPEG | 45 KB ] [link 06]
  • › Video [11 MB ] [link 07]
  • › Komplett Set Profil [JPEG | 36 KB ] [link 08]

Inhaltliche Beschreibung

As student at the University of the Arts and Design Zurich I'm studying to become a game designer. This semester we had to make an independent game, starting from the architecture of the building, in which this school shall move in the future. The platform chosen was Second Life. So i started to reflect on this environment too. Everybody had to choose a room and I decided to build the toilet.

I choose the WC because is something very absurd, close to the human culture and it cultural techniques. Ironically everyday everybody uses it – of course with no reflection! The human necessity to “communicate” with the external world (the nature), is born before the human self. But playing is a human necessity too, just the same as to use a WC. I like thinking that these two things are something that poor peoples can do as well as the rich ones. In the dead and the toilet, there is no distinction!

The same is valid for play. Everyday everybody “plays” the real life and the most of us don't see that, because they are too busy to think. Life is hard, but thanks to playing, it can get another “flavor”. An example are the poor children of the world. They have a “REAL” hard life. For them playing is the very important thing to survive, to develop confidency in life. They play with the only things they have: very simple natural resources, and a lot of fantasy to create a story for a very good game. No special hardwares or special videogames. They have nothing, but at the same time they find all what they need to have some fun.
We play during a conversation, while we thinking, while we eat, when we love, etc...
So I say to myself: “Rosario, a WC can be a good place to play too, especially in Second Life!”

I know that a WC in a virtual world like "Second Life", is really something crazy.
But taking advantage of my semester project, I have revolutionized the concept to use a WC.
My idea was the realization of a WC with which I can interact and play with every part of it. But at the same time the realization of an accessible humorous statement for Second Life.

The whole shapes are made with prims objects and the second life 3D editor.
During sitting on it, various sounds and animations are played and driven by the native scripting language of Second Life.

The users of Second Life will be able to use this Synthetic WC as follows:
– To Play "Sudoku" with the WC paper
– To just Sit on it
– To do yoga
– As teleporter to a random place in Second Life
– And when they finish to use it, they can push the lever to "flushing" the WC

While working on this project, I learned how programming can be fun, how attractive it can be to do something for a synthetic world in which real people communicate.
The toilet is in fact an absurd attraction factor in SL!

With this semester project I want contrast the real world in a non realistic way, although it looks realistic. In a way – on the toilet – I show that is not important where you are or who you are. The most important thing is “playing” your life as good as you can.
I think that this is a good example for a Game Designer, to see how a good story and a good gameplay, are more important as a too realistic visualization of the “hard” life.
I'm not surprised that the most attractive and funny games are these ones with a simple graphic, or a non real reproduction of our world. The Game Designers of these games, payed more attention to the gameplay and to the story of them.

Rosario Azzarello


  • › Skizzen [JPEG | 55 KB ] [link 09]
  • › Benutzung _1 [JPEG | 31 KB ] [link 10]
  • › Benutzung _2 [JPEG | 38 KB ] [link 11]
  • › Umgebung_1 [JPEG | 227 KB ] [link 12]
  • › Umgebung_2 [JPEG | 188 KB ] [link 13]
  • › Umgebung_3 [JPEG | 150 KB ] [link 14]
  • › Video_Umgebung [18 MB ] [link 15]

Technische Beschreibung

- Modelling
- Texturing
- Sound Analysis
- Linden Script Programming

Hardware / Software

Second Life



»…niversity/145/185/62/ [link 16]

  • › Komplett Set [JPEG | 66 KB ] [link 17]
  • › WC [JPEG | 48 KB ] [link 18]
  • › WC-Papier [JPEG | 49 KB ] [link 19]
  • › Sudoku [JPEG | 45 KB ] [link 20]
  • › Video [11 MB ] [link 21]
  • › Komplett Set Profil [JPEG | 36 KB ] [link 22]
  • › Skizzen [JPEG | 55 KB ] [link 23]
  • › Benutzung _1 [JPEG | 31 KB ] [link 24]
  • › Benutzung _2 [JPEG | 38 KB ] [link 25]
  • › Umgebung_1 [JPEG | 227 KB ] [link 26]
  • › Umgebung_2 [JPEG | 188 KB ] [link 27]
  • › Umgebung_3 [JPEG | 150 KB ] [link 28]
  • › Video_Umgebung [18 MB ] [link 29]