Natalia  Borissova


Both groups will be working towards networked performances.

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Inhaltliche Beschreibung



The workshop aims at introducing 'Theremin-sensors' as a new concept towards physical computing, focusing more on creative tasks in a form of long rehearsal. The main purpose of the workshop is to build an audiovisual Theremin orchestra, and perform with it.

a). T-sensors introduction /Andrey Smirnov/
After an introduction into how to develop with existing/electronic/modified instruments we will try to make an unique audio/visual body-related instruments and play with air and water flows, vibrations of light beams, temperature, different mechanical vibrations, etc.
b). Network /Guy van Belle/
An important issue in this workshop is to create a network together, so we can experiment with sharing sounds, images and data in order to create connected pieces to perform with.
We consider it more important to make a good performance with the given electronics than to be only busy with the electronics or programming, so most of the time will be spent playing with Theremin-sensors in a given environment.

_/Expected outcome:

A musical performance of the workshop participants using Theremin based instruments.

_/Participants profile:

This will be certainly of interest to any dancer, musician, visualist /video artist/, acrobat, theater player, video artist, or whoever is toying around with technology for fun.

Max 15 participants.




a). Radio Hacking /Sarah Washington/
The radio has a history as a musical instrument spanning the decades since John Cage discovered its unpredictable noises as a source for chance operations. In this workshop we will look at the insides of portable transistor radios and find out if we can further develop the possibilities of the radio as a musical instrument. Instead of thinking of it as a passive machine for receiving radio programmes we will use very simple techniques to change the electronic circuits of the radio into a fascinating noise making instrument. Everybody will be able to use their own individually modified radio as a musical instrument in the second part of the workshop.
b). Radio Orchestra /Knut Aufermann/
A workshop for conducted improvisation. The goal of the workshop is the formation of an orchestra of electronic musicians and to perform live on the last day of the workshop /24th November/. We will explore many possibilities of using the modified radios as a collective sound instrument for improvised music making. The workshop will introduce different techniques of conducting the group with all the participants being encouraged to bring in ideas for pieces and to experience conducting the group. There will also be access to several mini radio transmitters which allow for the synchronisation of the radios.

_/Expected outcome:

A musical performance of the workshop participants using modified radios as instruments.

_/Participants profile:

The participants should be keen to dismantle radios and take part in a collective musical performance. No prior musical or electronics knowledge is needed. Everyone can turn up to the workshop, not just technical whizz kids or programmers. This way we bring everyone together - the technological 'haves' and 'have-nots', so to speak. The participants should be able to take part in all workshop sessions /20th to 24th November/

Max 15 participants.

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