Klaus W. Eisenlohr, Oliver Whitehead

Oliver Whitehead – films from 1967–2007

Directors Lounge Summer Screenings Z-Bar Berlin

Oliver Whitehead - flyer [link 01]

Oliver Whitehead - flyer


Inhaltliche Beschreibung

Oliver Whitehead war schon dieses Jahr auf der Directors Lounge vertreten, und in weiteren Vorführungen des Urban Research Programmes von Klaus W. Eisenlohr. Nun freuen wir uns mit der Präsentation in der Z-Bar und im Rahmen von Sommerscreenings von Directors Lounge einen tieferen Einblick in sein Schaffen präsentieren zu können.

In Whitehead’s later work the subject matter comprises the structures and users of urban settings(...) The visual idiom and the overlaid soundtrack give the works a politically slanted narrative dynamic. The meaning of the films, on the other hand, arises from the combination of cinematography, editing, repetition and thematic combinations. These have an inherent political dimension in the works in that they oppose the solutions typical of commercial cinema.
Hanna Johannson



Oliver Whitehead
Filmlist Z-Bar

4 (1968-1991)
portrait 1968 >silent
cocola 1969 >silent
weatherman 1971 >silent
personal effects 1991 >silent
6 (1993-1999)
melt down 1993
A Yard Full of Books 1993
Visual Violence 1994
off-screen 1997
a dog' chance 1997
mind's eye 1999
11 (1999-2007)
bike 1999
surf 2000
wait 2000
fall 2000
take-off 2000
track 2002 >silent
run 2000 >silent
grounded 2002
unearth 2004
in color 2005
beachoma 2007

  • › Community/netzkollektor [link 02]

» http://www.richfilm.…framesOWhitehead.html [link 03]

  • › Videostills [JPEG | 95 KB ] [link 04]
  • › Videostill aus "Portrait" [JPEG | 68 KB ] [link 05]