Helge Fischer, Mey Lean Kronemann, Freddie Eksteen, …

Binary Bridge

A place-specific interactive light installation in Malmö.

Inhaltliche Beschreibung

Twelve motion sensors react when people are crossing the bridge which connects the city´s central station with the university. Each sensor represents a digit number in binary code, giving a "1" when somebody is passing by the sensor and giving a "0" otherwise. This twelve digits number is directly mapped to a (RGB-)colour in which the bridge is illuminated from underneath. As people cross the bridge the binary number and thereby the colour constantly change. All people´s movements affect the colour ranging from no light when nobody is passing by to bright white light when the bridge is crowded.

The bridge is located in the old harbour of Malmö which is after the downfall of the shipping industry now mainly occupied by new media agencies, service industry and the Malmö University. The installation refers to the rapid change of produced and transported and traded goods in this area which were in recent times physical artefacts and products and that are now mainly replaced by digital products, services and information. Instead of freight people nowadays transport intellectual property from the area (from the University and the agencies) to the city and country. The bridge serves as a major conductor and the installation tries to visualize the information exchange by treating the passing people as bits and thereby creating a data-stream.