Figure 2- an example of a patch at run-time implementing a simple movement analysis of the lips of an actress, based on a videocamera. The patch has been developed for a piece by the composer Roberto Doati. The two black windows on the left show intermediate outputs from the lip analysis. The right window shows the original image. The patch generates MIDI signals related to lip movement, which are used to re-create in real-time an “alter ego” of the actress (Francesca Faiella) with which the actress dialogues.

Figure 2- an example of a patch at run-time implementing a simple movement analysis of the lips of an actress, based on a videocamera. The patch has been developed for a piece by the composer Roberto Doati. The two black windows on the left show intermediate outputs from the lip analysis. The right window shows the original image. The patch generates MIDI signals related to lip movement, which are used to re-create in real-time an “alter ego” of the actress (Francesca Faiella) with which the actress dialogues.