Christian Riekoff


self-organized public communication platform

Nominee of the digital sparks award 2006

NOTDE in in der Zukunft

NOTDE in in der Zukunft

University / department

Universität der Künste Berlin
FB 02 - Gestaltung

University URL


Project supervisor

Assistant Professor Jussi Ängeslevä

Supervisor commentary

"NOTDE" is a very good socially aware design concept that blends very efficiently technological innovation with conceptual integrity. Even if slightly futuristic in terms of its deployment in inner city areas in larger scale, it is very much a realistic approach, where the maintenance and safety is also well resolved. The subject is also very timely topic at the advent of new generation of brighter and bigger public space display screens, mostly used for advertising and marketing.

Course abstract

The network is everywhere. Most computers connect to it in some way today. But what happens when (other) everyday objects begin to migrate to the same information awareness?

The benefits of networked computing are indisputable (together with the privacy concerns, elevated crime etc.), yet thus far the networked presence has mostly existed through the illumination of the computer screen, be it bolted on the ground or carried in your pocket.

Such devices, however, are specifically made for computation, and their physical "aura" is left with little concern. Contrary to this, we are simultaneously surrounded with "dumb" object, that are still infinitely more emotionally important to us. With computers, it's the backup that matters, not the body.

"here/there" looks at the phenomenon of networkedness through the lense of design. What happens, when physical objects that are crafted to elicit personal attachment, that one lives and ages with, become network aware? What, if anything, can networked intelligence bring to everyday objects of that kind? What does the physical presence mean in the first place?

Relation to the research area

Looking at the public space interaction, urban displays and behaviour pattterns in distributing grassroots information. In technological terms, concentrating on robust multiuser interaction on a large scale projections as well as seamless networked database, blending the physical and virtual space, and providing an extended local perspective.