Christian Riekoff


self-organized public communication platform

Nominee of the digital sparks award 2006

NOTDE in in der Zukunft

NOTDE in in der Zukunft

Content Description

NOTDE is inspired by the ubiquity of high tech media facades, screens and illuminated advertising, all unidirectional channels mainly used for commercial content. It is as well inspired by the spreading of information in urban spaces done by the means of low-tech communication forms with a high amount of creativity such as flyers, announcements attached to lampposts and street art wallpapers.

NOTDE is a concept to bridge the gap between these two forms of communication. NOTDE gives everyone the possibility to spread announcements, greetings, spontaneous artworks or requests quickly with no limitations to creativity.

Each NOTDE unit is input and output at the same time, with an interface that needs no further explanation. It consists of a large touch screen and a scanner. Content is printed, written or drawn on a sheet of paper and then put in a slot where it vanishes while it is digitized. After that it is displayed on the screen, where it can freely be positioned, scaled and rotated over the touch interface. Images which are not attended fall down to the edge of the screen. At the same time, the image is uploaded to a server and distributed, so that all connected units are synchronized content-wise.

In addition to the spreading function, NOTDE concerns geographical and chronological aspects: the displayed objects are shrinking over time, and fading with distance from the originating unit. This not only makes each unit look unique but also gives the user a quick orientation for geographically important and in-time information.

the installation of NOTDEs is possible in many contexts: it can be used to create a self-organized information network in a city which can carry information about local events such as demonstrations, convocations and festival or just parties, it can carry personal announcements like lost- and found or house hunting. Although intentionally invented for networking a city, it can also be installed on fair grounds, campuses, festival locations…

The prototype demonstrates the interaction and input process.