Jula Böhm

Seifenspender - eine interaktive Websoap

Romeo und Julia auf Abwegen

University / department

Fachhochschule für Gestaltung Schwäbisch Hall

University URL

» http://www.fhsh.de

Project supervisor

Kim Collmer

Supervisor commentary

Jula Boehm's project combined an online web soap opera with the format of a animated comic book. The project was very imaginative and the storyline and images entertaining, well composed and humorous. I think she was able to create a project that was a real artistic achievement that allowed the public to participate. People were very excited about the project and were drawn into the characters and entertaining story. I also was impressed with how she did all of the technical aspects herself, including the promotion. Not only this, but she also used her family members for all of the characters. I believe that Jula's use of the medium of the internet was very innovative and I hope to see more projects of this nature in the future!

Course abstract

The tutorial for this project was for experimental animation techniques using Flash. We also discussed image making and overall web design issues.

Relation to the research area

My field of research is traditional and web animation, web design and imaging.