Klaus W. Eisenlohr

(Im)possible Instructions for the Construction of Public Space

Fictive Arbeitsanweisung für Performances

VorOrt1 - Performance with Ragani Haas

VorOrt1 - Performance with Ragani Haas

Content Description

1. Take action for three hours: actively interfere with the local daily activities without changing the given and actual structure of the place.

2. Convince 20 local people. I.e. gain the support of 20 people for a given idea.

3. Provoke for one afternoon: Bring people to orally and physically resist against a proceeding activity undertaken by yourself. Make them resist by this activity and not by any other means.

4. Exchange information for 4 hours. Collect orally available information and spread (broadcast) this information from the people and to the people on this local respectively.

5. Show power for one day (during daylight). Demonstrate the power you are able to gain and show others the limit of their power.

6. Make remember for 12 hours. Make people think of their past and their memory related to this place.

7. Build identity for 4 hours. Make people passing by identify with this place.

8. Take responsibility for 6 hours: Try to convince everybody who is about to commit a crime, abuse or molest someone else, or to destroy something worth to be kept up not to do so. Stop anybody who puts him or herself in danger. Try to find support in anybody affiliated to the place or just being present. Don’t put yourself in danger but call the police only in absolute necessity.

9. Connect for 4 hours. Bring people to get to know each other and talk to each other who otherwise would not talk with each other.

10. Claim place for 4 hours. Take possession of the place and negotiate with other people how they might be allowed to use “your place” without violating your own claims.