Florian Thalhofer, Mahmoud  Hamdy


Eine nonlineare Dokumentation von Florian Thalhofer and Mahmoud Hamdy

Maher, one of the seven sons of Shike Suellim. [link 01]

Maher, one of the seven sons of Shike Suellim.



  • Florian Thalhofer; W. Velthoven; [korsakow system]; Berlin; 2000 - 2005
    » http://www.korsakow.org [link 02]


  • Florian Thalhofer and Mahmoud Hamdy, [LoveStoryProject]; Berlin, Cairo, Singapure; 2002-2004
    » http://www.LoveStoryProject.com [link 03]
  • Florian Thalhofer and Kolja Mensing; [13terStock]; Bremen; 2004
    » http://www.13terStock.de [link 04]
  • Florian Thalhofer; [korsakow syndrom]; Berlin; 2000
    » http://www.korsakow.com [link 05]
  • Florian Thalhofer; [kleine welt]; Berlin; 1997
    » http://www.kleinewelt.com [link 06]
  • › digital sparks Stipendien [link 07]

» http://www.7sons.com [link 08]

  • › 4 min documentation [10 MB ] [link 09]
  • › 5:30 min radio-feature by Justus Hermann (in German language) [8 MB ] [link 10]
  • › Shike Suellim talks to his youngest son [JPEG | 51 KB ] [link 11]
  • › A visitor of the first exhibition in Cairo [JPEG | 29 KB ] [link 12]