Florian Thalhofer, Mahmoud Hamdy


A nonlinear and interactive documentary by Florian Thalhofer and Mahmoud Hamdy. Featuring Camels, Sand, Sheik Suellim and his seven sons.

Maher, einer der sieben Söhne Scheich Suellims.

Maher, einer der sieben Söhne Scheich Suellims.

Technische Beschreibung

Database Cinema

[7sons] was done with the [korsakow-system]. An easy to use software that is being developed by Florian Thalhofer and Prof Willem Velthoven in cooperation with the University of the Arts, Berlin.

Hardware / Software

Technical requirements

For the installation:
2 Apple Macintosh G4 Computer, OSX, 30GB HD
2 video-beams

For the web-version:
Shockwave, Quicktime, fast internet-connection

For the CD-ROM version:
PC or Mac, Quicktime