Peter Rautmann


Symposium "Present Continous Past(s)"

Peter Rautmann

Peter Rautmann

Content Description

I. State of the Art: Original – Concept – Format - Reproduction

The principle reproducibility of video material raises questions concerning the status of the “original”, authorship, and conceptual authenticity. Which are the transformations that the notion of the artwork is subjected to and how can useful models of reception be developed, allowing for an inclusion of visual material concerning historical positions into the discourse?

II. New Media Conditions: Intention – Reception

Video art is often presented in immersive accessible projection spaces. In which way does the relation between the artist’s intention and the viewers’ reception change when a multiple-channel video installation is made retrievable accessible as surrogate version on the computer?

III. Closed Circuit: Distribution – Dissemination - Documentation

Internet-presentations are currently booming as public platforms for artists’ works. Such decentralized forms of publication counteract in principle the closed-circuit of the monopolizing art system. Which forms of appropriate distributions for video art could be developed, that would fulfil the demands of scholarly research without neglecting artistic claims and economic interests?

IV. Open Source: Perspectives of Mediation

It is essential for the reception of video art to have access to the works without major constraints. Other visual art genres, painting or photography, are retrievable accessible via reproductions in the print media. Still images or installation photographs however, cannot give an appropriate idea of works, which are usually based on moving images and variable projection levels. Which presentational forms can be thought of to make video works accessible to scholarly analysis in the long term?


Present, Continous, Past(s)
International Symposium
14.-15. Mai 2004

Videoart, Strategy of Presentations and Mediation
Hochschule für Künste, Bremen

10.30 Registration

11.00 Welcome,
Prof. Dr. Peter Rautmann, Director, University of the Arts Bremen

11.15 Introduction, Mona Schieren, University of the Arts Bremen

I. State of the Art: Original – Concept – Format - Reproduction

11.30 Re-viewing / Re-framing: Historicity and Context in Video Art.
Prof. Dr. Ursula Frohne, International University Bremen

12.15 Thirty Years of Media Art by Ulrike Rosenbach – Experience in Mediation and Reproduction. Prof. Ulrike Rosenbach, Hochschule der Künste Saarbrücken

13.00 Lunch break

II. New Media Conditions: Intention – Reception

14.00 Television – Art or Anti-Art? Questions of the 1960s / 70s with an Outlook to Net.Art since the 1990s. Prof. Dr. Dieter Daniels, Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst, Leipzig

14.45 Withdrawal as an Artform. Between Withdrawal and Representation – The Body in Media Art. Dr. Sabine Flach, Geisteswissenschaftliche Zentren, Berlin

15.30 Coffee Break

16.00 Cut / Collage / Montage. Connections between Text and Video.
Prof. Dr. Elke Bippus, University of the Arts Bremen; Dirck Möllmann, art historian, Hamburg

15. May 1004
9.30 Welcome

III. Closed Circuit: Distribution – Dissemination – Documentation

9.45 Form Follows Format – Tensions between Museum, Media Technology
and Media Art. Rudolf Frieling, ZKM, Karlsruhe

10.30 How to deliver what is asked. Bart Rutten, Montevideo / TBA, Amsterdam

11.15 Break

11.30 Preservation of “unstable media” – Open Systems? Rens Frommé, V2_, Rotterdam

12.15 The Digital Mystique: Video Art, Aura and Access. Lori Zippay, Electronic Arts Intermix, New York

13.00 Lunch break

IV. Open Source: Perspectives of Mediation

14.0 Between Event and Structure: The Database as Crystallization.
Prof. Dr. Gregor Stemmrich, Hochschule für bildende Künste, Dresden

14.45 T_Visionarium; die ästhetische Transkription von televisuellen Datenbanken
Dennis del Favero, iCinema, Sydney

15.30 Break

15.45 En construction. iMediathek.
Mona Schieren, Jean-François Guiton, University of the Arts Bremen
Thierry Destriez, Heure Exquise, Lille

17.00 End of Conference