Anthony Dunne, Fiona Raby

Placebo Furniture

Project at the exhibition “Ohne Schnur/No Cord – Art and Wireless Communication”

Placebo Furniture

Placebo Furniture


Anthony Dunne *1964 (London):
- 1982-1986 Studium Industrial Design, National College of Art and Design, Dublin und Royal College of Art, London
- 1992-1997 PhD Computer Related Design, Royal College of Art, London
- seit 1998 Senior Research Fellow Computer Related Design und Senior Tutor Design Products, Royal College of Art, London

Fiona Raby *1963 (Singapur):
- 1982-1988 Studium der Architektur an der Birmingham School of Architecture und Royal College of Art, London
- 1992-1995 Studium Computer Related Design, Royal College of Art, London
- seit 1997 Senior Research Fellow Computer Related Design, Tutor Architecture and Interiors, Royal College of Art, London

Exhibitions / Presentations