Martin Wattenberg, Marc Frons, Joon Yu, …

Map of the Market / Smart Money

Eine grafische Anzeige von Live-Marktdaten

Map of the Market_detail [link 01]

Map of the Market_detail


Technische Beschreibung

Map of the Market is based on Treemap Research at the University of Maryland (Prof. Ben Shneiderman); see:

Innovative aspect and particular research interest:
„Two aspects are innovative: first, the idea of graphically displaying stock market data in a commercial setting was unusual at the time; second, the algorithm for generating the geometry of the map was invented specifically for this project.“

Particular skills and resources necessary to realise/organise the project:
„Programming, server and client-side; graphic design; journalism“

Updates or follow-up projects:
„We created many other versions, including a 3D map.“

(Martin Wattenberg)

Hardware / Software

Java applet; proprietary server software

  • › Medienkunst und Forschung [link 02]

» [link 03]

  • › Map of the Market [JPEG | 30 KB ] [link 04]