David Rokeby

Very nervous system

Intuitive Klangerzeugung durch freie Bewegung im Raum.

Technische Beschreibung

Particular skills and resources to realise/organise the project:
programming, specialized computer design and fabrication, computer language development, plus constant reflection on the real-world ramifications, philosophical and psychological aspects of the interaction.
The piece created and intentional direct encounter between a virtual behaviour and real bodies in real space.
Updates or follow up projects:
The project has evolved into a set of video-based interactive tools which are used by many other artists.

Hardware / Software

Vielfältige Medien (Hardware) (stets Computer, Videokamera, Digitizer, Synthesizer)
anfangs: selbstgebaute Videokameras, Apple Computer, selbst hergestellte Digitizer, Apple-basierter digital sound Synthesizer (Mountain Hardware Digital Synthesizer)
Zuletzt: Macintosh Computer, Custom DSP Prozessor, Videokamera, MIDI Synthesizer